How to Embed Custom Fonts Within Word Document

Sometimes we use a fancy and stylish font to create our ebook or word document that looks great on our computer.

But when we send this document to a friend, they don’t see the font style but a regular font staring at them.

This happens because the stylish font we used to type our document is installed only on our computer and our friend hasn’t installed it.

To resolve this issue we need to EMBED that stylish or a different font WITHIN our Word Document.

Here’s how to Embed Fonts into a Word Document

We must first know the font-face name that we’ve used so that it can be embedded into our Word Document.

If you don’t have the font file, download it from the internet – sites like has plenty to choose from.

Just remember to use the free ones and not the copyrighted ones. The below video will walk you through the process in detail. Please comment below if this helped you.


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