Canva Embed – Remove Canva Footer from the Embedded Design?

Previously on my YouTube channel, I had made a video on how to embed your Canva designs directly within the WordPress website, but this had one tiny problem.

The footer with the Canva link and a few buttons were present and sticky.

I learned it’s an iframe embed, which means we cannot edit it within the embed code and the source web page controls how it appears. And in this case it’s

If this drives you crazy and if you’re willing to go to any extent in making sure that this is removed, then I have something for you. So here’s the trick in theory, since Canva is taking the credit in displaying the image embed, rightfully, of course, we will change the transporter in between which means here that which is carrying that image from Canva to our WordPress website.

The transporter we are going to use in this case is Dropbox.

This is better explained by walking you through the process instead of typing about it, so watch the demo here on YouTube:


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